by Umar Saeed
During 5-7 May, 2015, I participated in the TOPROF (COST Action) meeting in Granada, Spain. The meeting had a general session on the first day and then separate sessions for the four working groups over next two days. The four working groups include WG 1: Ceilometers, WG 2: Doppler lidars, WG 3: Microwave radiometers, WG 4: Data assimilation.
WG 1 and WG 3 were of my particular interest. Most of the leading researcher whose work is relevant for my PhD topic were present in this meeting. I was also given an opportunity to present my work in WG 3. From the scientific and networking point of view, it was a highly relevant and useful event. Moreover, a visit to Alhambra palace was a nice refresher.