ACTRIS - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network

Athina Argyrouli, Gabriele Corbetta, Alexander Myagkov and Lukas Pfitzenmaier participated at the 2nd ACTRIS WP22 progress workshop at TUDelft in January 2013. Athina Argyrouli and Lev Labzovsky participated at the 3rd Joint ACTRIS WP2/WP20 Workshop at Cyprus University of Technology in November 2013.

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facilities

ITaRS is mentioned in the report of the ARM U.S./European Workshop on Climate Change Challenges and Observations as a first step on education and academic exchange. Christine Chiu, Susanne Crewell, Herman Russchenberg and Ulla Wandinger participated at the workshop.


ITaRS members from Italy and Germany contributed to the extensive Final Report.

HErZ - Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research - Climate Monitoring Branch

The 2nd ITaRS Summer school represents the sequel of the Summer School on "Remote Sensing of Clouds and Precipitation" organized by the Hans Ertel Centre of Weather Research (HErZ) held in Bonn 2013.

HD(CP)2 - High definition clouds and precipitation for advancing climate prediction

Claudia Acquistapace, HD(CP)2-PhD student at the University of Cologne, joined the group of ITaRS fellows.

LINC - Learning about Interacting Networks in Climate

Susanne Crewell, Sarah Henkel and Lukas Pfitzenmaier presented ITaRS at the 2nd LINC School near Utrecht in April 2013. Further collaboration events are planned in future.


Cooperation with ITaRS is part of the TOPROF proposal. The COST Action has started in 10/2013.

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