by Lev Labzovsky

asldoOn the way to the DUST conference 2014, Ioannis Binietoglou and I visited the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis in Potenza. During the visit I was acquainted with remote sensing equipment that is available in the institute. ITaRS fellow Pilar Gumà-Claramunt demonstrated the cloud radar, one of the main instruments she's working with. Aldo Amodeo presented the variety of lidars installed at the measurement site and introduced me to the principles of operation of their main multiwavelength lidar.

During this short visit I got useful experience by getting to know the variety of specific lidar systems I was not working with before. Also it was a very nice experience to meet all the people that I know from the institute and meet new ones. I appreciate the warm hospitality I found there.

From the cultural point of view we were lucky because our visit coincided with the festival of San Gerardo of Potenza. It is the biggest annual festival of the town, which takes place at the end of May. The entire ITaRS group present at that moment in Potenza attended it.



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