by Lev Labzovsky and Athina Argyrouli

Lev Labzovsky and Athina Argyrouli visited ACTRIS and EARLINET meeting organized in Limassol in November 2013.

Earlinet Cyprus

Lev Labzovsky went to Cyprus with his colleagues Doina Nicolae and Livio Belegante from Bucharest. Before the meeting I have never visited any EARLINET events and met the people linked with lidar community only via ITaRS activities. Athina Argyrouli was also there, together with some colleagues from the National Observatory of Athens.

It was very useful experience for both of us because we got introduced to the framework of EARLINET, its standards, requirements and routine. Bucharest EARLINET station was assigned as a tutor for new St. Petersburg station this year and it was crucial for Lev as a person who came from St. Petersburg to introduce Russian station staff personally to his relatively new Romanian colleagues. We attended to the reports that all the stations prepared for the workshop and to all upcoming papers that were presented first three days. The trip was very useful for the fellows in the way of better understanding of EARLINET and ACTRIS principles and also as an introduction to the new level of lidar scientific studies by myself. Last but not least, we want to say many thanks to all the people who organized this meeting at Cyprus University of Technology, it was really nice to attend this workshop and also to see a piece of summer in November.

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