ITaRS fellow contributes to NASA-funded study presented at AGU 2015
by Robert Banks
Robert Banks, an ITaRS fellow at Barcelona, participated as co-author in a recent study presented at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. The work (Lewis et al., 2015) combines efforts from NASA Goddard, UMBC JCET, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and the Technical University of Catalonia.
ITaRS publication chosen for EOS Research Spotlights
by Sarah Henkel
The portal features Gabriele Corbetta's publication on cloud overlaps in their Research Spotlight Section. The article was published in the Geophysical Research letters in 2015.
First ITaRS-PhD awarded to Lev Labzovsky
by Sarah Henkel
Congratulations! Lev Labzovsky successfully defended his PhD thesis "Contribution to the study of humidity effects on aerosol optical properties based on Multiwavelength Lidar and Microwave Radiometer" on December 15, 2015 in Bucharest, Romania.
Researchers' Night: Outreach event in Athens
On the 25th of September, I went to the "Researchers' night" organized at the National Technical University of Athens at the center of Athens, Greece. It was an outreach activity addressed to pupils and young students who were curious to learn about innovative technological developments and get a feeling of the findings of scientists in several disciplines of engineering.