by Lukas Pfitzenmaier

reading 4

During the last 4 weeks, I was at the University of Reading for a secondment. The main goal of my stay was to learn more about microphysical retrievals of cloud properties, furthermore the exchange of knowledge and ideas was part of my agenda. So I was very glad that I got the chance to work with Chris Westbrook and his colleagues.

I have plenty of data from the very successful ACCEPT campaign, which I analyse and use to develop ideas. It is one of these ideas to retrieve mean ice particle size using the wavelength ration of the operated radars (3 GHz and 35 GHz). The group in Reading was really helpful in answering questions and discussing first preliminary results. They already have experience with such retrievals.

I received fruitful and promising input from other PhDs and scientists. I exchanged some of the ACCEPT campaign’s data and I hope that the collaboration will go on in the future. An improvement of my retrieval for retrieving fall-streaks within radar data was tested on a different data set. This improved the understanding of my own retrieval and helped to validate it.

london eye

So it was all in all a successful exchange for both sides. I thank the colleagues from Reading for the collaboration and all the rest. And I hope that the collaboration will continue.