ITaRS presents itself on
by Sarah Henkel
Like and share! EOS published an article on the opportunities for young atmospheric sciences in the ITaRS programme written by our fellow Robert Banks.
ITaRS publication chosen for EOS Research Spotlights
by Sarah Henkel
The portal features Gabriele Corbetta's publication on cloud overlaps in their Research Spotlight Section. The article was published in the Geophysical Research letters in 2015.
First ITaRS-PhD awarded to Lev Labzovsky
by Sarah Henkel
Congratulations! Lev Labzovsky successfully defended his PhD thesis "Contribution to the study of humidity effects on aerosol optical properties based on Multiwavelength Lidar and Microwave Radiometer" on December 15, 2015 in Bucharest, Romania.
ER15 and ESR3 at ACTRIS-2 Kick-off meeting
The ACTRIS-2 Kick-off meeting took place from the 3rd to the 5th of June in Rome, Italy.