February 15th - February 19th, 2016, Berlin

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ITaRS partner project HD(CP)2 invites researchers to come to Berlin for an international conference. Abstracts can be submitted until September 15, 2015.

The aim of the conference is to reflect the different dimensions of the problem in four sessions. Session II - Advances in Observating Clouds and Precipitation - is chaired by ITaRS coordinator Susanne Crewell and by Robert Pincus:

The ability to simultaneously characterize clouds and the environment with which they interact has been transformed in the last decade by technical advances in active and passive remote sensing technology, refinement of retrieval techniques for turning measurements into observations, and long data records available from both space- and ground-based platforms. This session seeks contributions that use observations at all scales, especially those combing disparate information, to understand the processes controlling micro- and/or macro-physical cloud development and how this depends on the environment.

Conference Flyer


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