by Pilar Gumà-Claramunt

The ITaRS fellow Pilar Gumà-Claramunt attended the Summer School on Applications of weather and cloud radars, which was held from 9th to 13th June 2014 at Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Southern Finland.

ESR3 at Applications of weather and cloud radars Summer School

The school was built around a combination of lectures given by top scientists in the field and hands-on experience using data from US DOE ARM radars mobile facility University of Helsinky dual-polarization weather radar and the CSU-CHILL national facility’s radar. The topics included dual-polarization weather radar applications, mm-wavelength cloud radars and their applications, analysis of Doppler spectra and radar-lidar synergy. The students were divided into groups to work in three different topics. ESR3 was in the radar-lidar synergy group, which investigated a snowfall event integrating the data from many different instruments present at the site (Ka-band and W-band radars, lidar, radiosoundings and microwave radiometer) in order to identify different types of hydrometeors and precipitation processes.

In summary, the Summer School was very interesting and useful, providing the fellow a deeper knowledge in weather and cloud radars and in the use of synergies of different remote sensing instruments.


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